
Canada is Mobileiphone_messaging

  • 75% of all cell phones in Canada are smart phones; up from 62% in 2013 and 48% in 2012
  • Most mobile users keep their phones within arm’s reach over 90 percent of waking hours
  • Canadian send 270 million text messages per day
  • 97% of all text message are opened; 90% within the first three minutes
  • 87% of smart phone users have looked for local information and 89% have taken action as a result
  • Mobile marketing methods have proven to be effective in acquiring new customers, providing service to existing customers, and driving repeat business through relationship-building

Mobile Website

There are now more people searching the web on mobile devices than desktop computers. If your website is not mobile-optimized you are losing business. It is that simple. Does your website pass the mobile-friendly test?

SMS Text Messaging

Permission-based and personal, SMS text message marketing is one of the most effective ways to build a loyal customer base. Mobile coupons, loyalty programs, contests, polls, and event notifications are the building blocks of a successful SMS campaign.

 Work With Us

At Mobile Marketing Toronto we help you harness the power of mobile technology to engage your customers, build loyalty and increase sales. Discover the power of mobile-optimized websites, SMS text message marketing and QR codes.