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Habbo Hotel is a 2D, Browser-Based Virtual World MMO (VWMMO) that allows you to create an avatar within a virtual world, make new friends, purchase a house and decorate it.

Similar in style to VWMMOs like SecondLife and FlipLife, Habbo Hotel offers you the chance to join a vibrant community filled with thousands of like-minded individuals all with the same goal -- make new friends, join new communities, chat for hours and have FUN!

Set appropriately in a giant Hotel, Habbo Hotel is segregated into several types of 'rooms'. Initially, you begin playing Habbo Hotel in Hotel View, a chat system that allows you basic communication with other players in the Hotel. Next is the Public Rooms which are available to all members and take the form of restaurants, clubs, cinemas etc. Finally are the Guest Rooms, which must be purchased using credits, can be decorated, and act as private rooms for players to share with their friends.

Credits must be purchased with real money, and can be traded with other players or used to purchase a variety of furnishings for your avatar or home. However, those looking to enjoy Habbo Hotel without spending any money will find solace in the second form of currency, Pixels. Pixels are rewarded to players that meet specific conditions within Habbo Hotel, and while they can be used to purchase many virtual objects within the game, they cannot be traded with other players.
In essence, Habbo Hotel is a glorified chat room that allows you to create an avatar (with plenty of customization options) and explore several different hotel areas in search of people to communicate with. Unlike simple text-based chat rooms, Habbo Hotel offers a sense of interactivity with other players, and with the appropriate setting, makes it easier to find like-minded people to talk to.

Each Hotel is separated by the language spoken in that area; as such, all English speaking countries (such as America, Canada, Australia and the UK) share a single hotel, while countries like Russia and China have their own. Again, this ensures that you'll always be chatting to people with similar cultural backgrounds to yourself, that speak the same language.

There isn't a lot more to say regarding gameplay in Habbo Hotel, as unlike many other MMOs, gameplay isn't the core feature. Community, however, is. Players looking to slay dragons and collect treasure won't find a home in Habbo Hotel, although those looking for new friends and a way to kill some time will find Habbo Hotel a refreshing break from the fast-paced MMO world, and a great place to meet that new best friend.

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